  • 期刊


You raise me up: A case study of Olympics volunteers' service experience




Introduction: The Olympic game is the top elite sports game in the world. It's unique and quadrennially make Olympics volunteers have some different experience from volunteers in society or sports organization. They are recognized to be the important human resource and have been integral to the success of the Olympic Games. This case study inspects and explores the process of the Olympics volunteer service experience from the perspective of transformative learning theory. Method: Seven purposefully from snowball sampled participants who volunteer serviced in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and the 2012 London Olympic Games have participated. Through the semi-structured interview, documents collected, photo elicitation and researcher's diary to understand the contents and contexts in their Olympics volunteer service experience. Results: This research analyzes through the lens of the three phases of transformative learning, "effecting phase", "exploration and reflection phase", and "self-transformation phase" and summarize three key elements in the participants' experiences as follows: 1. Motived and inspired by the Olympic games aura. 2. Explore transformation learning from obstacles and events. 3. Deep self-transformation in personal life and extend their enthusiasm for the Olympics. Conclusion: "Participants could join the Olympics service in their life" is the starting line of their transformative learning, it brings the following processes of transformative learning processes in Olympics service period and changes their point of view in their life. Participants point out the organization obstacle which recruits information is not clear to the public is the first transformative learning event that they face. Our finding supports the theory that social interaction plays an import part in the volunteer training and service period. In fact, their volunteer's manager and other volunteers help their positive learning. The complete result of Olympics volunteer's transformative learning experience is not transformed from a single event, it gathers many transformative learning processes during the Olympics service period.


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