  • 期刊


The effect of pitching biomechanics on the upper limb in baseball pitchers


棒球投球動作類型可分為肩上、側肩與低肩投等方式,投球動作累積的肌肉疲勞與投球過程中的肌肉損傷也不同。肩關節疼痛為投手最常見的上肢傷害之一,包括二頭肌肌腱撕裂、關節盂唇破裂等症狀。因此,棒球投手肩關節傷害受到相當的重視,相關的研究亦以不同的議題大量呈現。本文經由統整Google scholar資料庫與Pubmed資料庫在1972年至2017年間發表的棒球投手生物力學實證研究,搜尋關鍵字包括投球動作機轉(pitching mechanism)、運動學(kinematics)、動力學(kinetics)、肩疼痛(shoulder pain)與疲勞(fatigue),歸納從生物力學角度探討棒球投手投擲動作對於上肢生物力學的效應,將有助於投手了解肩疼痛或受傷機制,以幫助預防投手運動傷害及給予投手正確訓練參考。


運動學 動力學 肩疼痛 疲勞


There are several pitching types in baseball, like overhand, three-quarters, sidearm and submarine pitch. The muscle fatigue accumulated is different from the muscle damage during the pitching motion. Shoulder pain is one of the most common upper limb injuries in pitchers, including biceps tendon tears, labrum tear, and so on. Therefore, shoulder injuries have received considerable attention, and related researches on different topics have been presented in large numbers. This article is based on a biomechanical empirical studies of baseball pitchers published between 1972 and 2017 through the integration of Pubmed and Google scholar database. This review's search keywords include pitching mechanism, kinematics, kinetics, shoulder pain and pitching epidemiology, inductively exploring the impact of shoulder pain on baseball throwing from a biomechanical perspective. This review article will research the correlation between the pitching motion and the upper extremity biomechanics and it is expected to be able to contribute to pitchers' training program and rehabilitation reference for acute injury prevention.


kinematics kinetics shoulder pain fatigue


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