  • 期刊


Training strategies for the revision of the international men's artistic gymnastics code of point




This study explores the revision of the 2017 code of points men's artistic gymnastics. In the 2017 code of points, the following five directions were revised: First, each element groups was revised to four; Second, the less frequently appear element difficulty value was raised; the more frequently appear element difficulty was downgraded; Third, cancel the composition and element that cause the human body damages; Fourth, emphasize the variability of the gymnasts in the implementation of the whole routine; Fifth, encourage the development of difficult element, but also emphasize the perfect and stable performance. After the research is summarized, the researchers suggest that gymnasts can compose more good element groups when they are composed. Gymnasts with better abilities can develop vertical multiple salto to improve the difficulty of the whole routine. Limitations on the number of implementations of the same element type in all six apparatus, and the arrangement should be particularly cautious. It is recommended to develop the multiple element type to increase the variability of the whole routine.


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