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A Preliminary Study of the Ritual Practice of the Lord’s Mansion in the Cult of Epidemic Lords in Taiwan and Fujian




In the cult of Wangye (Epidemic Lords) in Taiwan, rituals related to the epidemic boat, as well as the establishment of the Lord's mansion, held upon receiving the Epidemic Lords, are prevalent. In contrast, cases of Confucian ritual masters presiding over the Lord's mansion are rarely seen. It is the tradition of Confucian worship to offer animal sacrifice, while the Daoists abstain from meat and wine during their jiao purgatory ritual. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the cult of Epidemic Lords had long been considered licentious and unorthodox. How the Confucian ritual masters of local cult adapted the Daoist rituals to promote the legitimacy of the cult of Epidemic Lords and to meet the people's need to ward off calamities is a religious cultural issue worthy of investigation. Premises of the Lord's Mansion and the ritual practice there have always been off limits to outsiders. I had the rare opportunity to observe and investigate an extensive and meticulous ritual in Qing'an Temple of Xigang, Tainan, which is famous for preserving a complete ritual tradition. I also compare it with rituals in Changxing Temple, Sucuo, Tainan, and Donglong Temple of Donggang, Pingdong. My field trip to the Zhangzhou area of Fujian to examine rituals associated with the cult of Epidemic Lords was an attempt to probe into the southern Fujian origin of the cult in Taiwan. "When rites are missing (from the upper echelon), recover them from the peasants." Taiwan has obviously better preserved the cult and rituals of Epidemic Lords.


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