  • 期刊


Viscosity of Commercial Thickeners at a Honey- or Nectar-like Consistency and their Changes Over Time


研究背景及目的:吞嚥困難的病人經常在喝水時容易嗆咳,使用增稠劑增稠水或飲品是臨床語言治療師常用的代償手法之一,但國外研究顯示,增稠劑的增稠效果常會因不同的增稠劑和時間而有影響。本研究調查台灣市售五種增稠劑,快凝寶、吞樂美、多樂蜜、三多、易凝素加入水中後,在花蜜狀和蜂蜜狀的濃稠度是否會隨著時間改變,並檢視這五種增稠劑調配成花蜜狀和蜂蜜狀的濃稠度,是否符合美國飲食協會(American Dietetic Association)的國家吞嚥困難飲食(National Dysphagia Diet, NDD)的標準。研究方法:本研究使用黏度計(Brookfield RVDV-II+ Pro viscometer)搭配小樣品套件(Small Sample Adaptor)和恆溫水槽來測量濃稠度,測量的溫度設定在25℃,剪切率設定為50 s^(-1),測量的時間點為樣本靜置兩分鐘、十分鐘、三十分鐘,樣本為五種市售增稠劑,快凝寶、吞樂美、多樂蜜、三多、易凝素,根據產品說明,分別和水調配成兩種濃稠度,花蜜狀和蜂蜜狀。在花蜜狀和蜂蜜狀,每種增稠劑在兩分鐘的濃稠度會用來和NDD 的標準做比較。研究結果:結果顯示,在花蜜狀、吞樂美和易凝素在不同時間點的黏度無顯著不同,代表其濃稠度不會隨著時間變化;在蜂蜜狀、吞樂美、多樂蜜和易凝素的濃稠度在不同時間點無顯著不同。除了快凝寶加水在蜂蜜狀小於350cP 落在花蜜狀的範圍內,不管是在花蜜狀或是蜂蜜狀,其他增稠劑的濃稠度均符合NDD 的標準。結論:本研究有助於了解市售增稠劑的特性,提供臨床語言治療師和吞嚥困難病人及家屬在備製增稠液體時需要注意的事項。


Background: Patients with dysphagia often have difficulties in swallowing liquids. Using thickened liquids is a compensatory strategy frequently recommended by speech-language pathologists to reduce the risk of aspiration in patients with dysphagia . However, the thickening effects might vary with time and different thickening products. Furthermore, the desired viscosity might not be attained. This study investigated the viscosity of water that was thickened to a nectar- or honey-like consistency by using five thickening products marketed in Taiwan. The viscosity of the samples at different time periods was compared. The results were also compared with the guidelines of the National Dysphagia Diet (NDD) published by the American Dietetic Association. Methods: The viscosity was measured by using a Brookfield RVDV-II+ Pro viscometer with the Small Sample Adaptor at a shear rate of 50 s^(-1) and temperature of 25 °C. The viscosity of the samples was measured at 2, 10, and 30 min after the samples were prepared. Resource ThickenUp Clear, Toromeal, Toromi-up, Sentosa, and eNutrition were used to thicken the water samples to a nectar- or honey-like consistency. The samples were prepared according to the suppliers' instructions. The viscosity of the samples at 2 min was compared with the NDD guidelines. Results: The results showed that for the nectar-like samples, the viscosity of Toromeal and eNutrition at different periods did not differ significantly, indicating that their viscosity did not vary with time. As for the honey-like samples, the viscosity of Toromeal, Toromi-up, and eNutrition at different periods did not differ significantly. The viscosity of all the samples complied with the NDD standards, except for Resource ThickenUp Clear thickened to a honey-like consistency. Conclusion: This study provides speech-language therapists with clinical data regarding the characteristics of the thickening products in Taiwan. Future studies should investigate the characteristics of retail thickeners in Taiwan when applied for different beverages and at various serving temperatures.


dysphagia thickener consistency nectar-like honey-like


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