  • 期刊


Regionalism and Regional Security in East Asia: Process, Problems, and Prospects




東亞 區域主義 區域化 區域安全 歐洲


With the new wave of regionalism after the Cold War, the building of regional security has become the key of global governance. The progress of regional security cooperation in East Asia is quite slow comparative with that in Europe. Regionalization in East Asia does not develop effective multilateral security institutions yet. Different from the logic of European regionalization that is from the center to the periphery, the process of regionalization in East Asia is from the periphery to the center. Given that both external interference of the United States and internal rivalry between China and Japan in East Asia not only present almost simultaneously, but also fall into a vicious downward spiral, East Asia could not directly follow the way of Europe. However, European experience is applicable in East Asia in the sense that the process of regionalization depends on the settlement of great power interference externally and great power rivalry internally. At present, what East Asia could seek to achieve is only a kind of limited regionalism, inadequate regional security framework, and partial security community.


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Amitav Acharya(2003).Regionalism and Multilateralism: Essays on Cooperative Security in the Asia Pacific.Singapore:Eastern Universities Press.
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