  • 期刊


The Relationships between Travel Agency Employees' Goal Orientation and Career Adaptability: The Moderating Role of Organizational Support for Development


本研究著眼職涯適應力(career adaptability)的文獻,探討旅行社員工的學習目標導向(learning goal orientation)與職涯適應力之間關係,並分別驗證表現目標導向(performance goal orientation)與組織支持發展(organizational support for development)對二者之間的調節角色,最後再利用三元交互作用驗證表現目標導向對於學習目標導向與職涯適應力之間的調節效果是否會受到組織支持發展高低而不同。從309位旅行社員工的有效樣本中發現,學習目標導向愈高的員工其職涯適應力愈強。而且表現目標導向可強化學習目標導向與職涯適應力之間正向關係。此外,組織支持發展愈高時,表現目標導向對學習目標導向與職涯適應力之調節效果較為明顯。最後,本研究結果也提供旅遊業相關的理論與實務意涵。


Drawing on career adaptability literature, this study explores the relationship between learning goal orientation and career adaptability. It also examines the moderating role of performance goal orientation and organizational support for development respectively. Further, a three-way interaction is tested to identify whether the moderating effect of employees' performance goal orientation can be determined by organizational support for development. Three hundred and nine travel agency employees participated in this research. The results show that employees with a high level of learning goal orientation are more likely to demonstrate their career adaptability. In addition, performance goal orientation has an additive moderating effect on the positive relationship between learning goal orientation and career adaptability. Furthermore, with the increase of organizational support for development, the moderating effect of performance goal orientation is more significant. Finally, theoretical and practical implications of these findings are provided.


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