  • 期刊


Discussion of Coherence Interpretation with the Example of Guo Xiang Interpreting Zhuang Zi with reference from Lao Zi




Guo Xiang annotates Zhuang Zi from a different angle from the original as his view is rather based on Xin Fen, and is connected by the theories such as Content with Xin, Xiao Yao, implement of Xin and Chi Wu; which ultimately leads to the ideal state of Taoism Politics of "individualization of heavenly instruments in cosmology". How Guo Xiang's annotation of Zhuang Zi differs from the original can be seen in two aspects in his work - the theory of Self Cultivation and the theory of State. First of all, the practice subject of Guo's annotation of the theory of Self Cultivation is changed to population from all classes instead of saints, the content of which also changes its ultimate leading from internal cultivation to external achievement. Secondly, Guo's annotation of the theory of State shifts its focus from how Saints view the state of Xiao Yao Chi Wu from the ideal Taoism value point of view, to how sage king governs his country with ease and achieve ideal state of Taoism Politics together with his people realizing their implement of Xin and spiritual freedom (Xiao Yao). From the transition of interpretation point of view, Guo's Coherence interpretation of Zhunag Zi is reflected in his annotation of Zhuang Zi which refers to the theory of "When one's tasks are accomplished, his people will feel that these have been the result of spontaneous teamwork and not of brute force." from Lao Zi, Chaper 17.


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