  • 期刊


Re-exploring Dai Zhen's Li(rule)-Li(norm) horizon, mainly based on Mengzi Ziyi Shuzheng




戴震 孟子字義疏證


If we look at the current research situation of Dai Zhen, the new thinking path for Li(rule)-Li(norm) horizon has not yet been realized. For example, Li(rule)-Li(norm) is definitely not Li(rule)/Li(norm) in the form of opposite conflicts. Although Li(norm) is the element that should be paid attention to in the Li(rule)-Li(norm) horizon, this does not impair Li(rule) as the first meaning in theory, or the source of human value. Therefore, we can accurately understand Dai Zhen's argument through Li(rule)-Li(norm) horizon. Dai Zhen's Li(rule)-Li(norm) horizon has two main points. First of all, "the rules of operation of heaven and earth" constitute the intrinsic relationship between Li (norm) and Li (rule). By applying empathy and knowing that Li(rule) cannot be separated from the existence of things, we regain objective reality. Secondly, Li (rule) is invisible, but the "principles" are manifested in the realities of human beings. Because Li (norm) is the concrete representation of the "rules of the heavens and the earth" in human society, it is the inevitable thing that is embodied in the ultimate principle of nature. Therefore, in the objective reality, Li (norm) closest to Li (rule) has become the focus of Dai Zhen's attention. In short, through the perspective of Li(rule)-Li(norm) horizon, we can not only see the connection between Dai Zhen and the Confucian tradition, but also the Confucianism that he wants to reconstruct. Therefore, applying empathy and knowing that Li(rule) cannot be separated from the existence of things is a reasonable necessity in the Li (rule)-Li (norm) horizon.


Dai Zhen li(norm) li(rule) Mengzi Ziyi Shuzheng Qing(emotion)


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