  • 期刊


Safety Assessment at Light Rail Intersections in Kaohsiung




In recent years, some local governments have actively planned Light Rail Transit (LRT) system in Taiwan. In addition to the problem of efficiency when LRT installed at the ground level, the most urgent issue is the traffic safety problem at intersections along the line. Kaohsiung Light Rail was the first light rail system opened to operation in Taiwan, its safety issue got the top public concern. Although only five LRT traffic accidents occurred until June 2017 after operation, and the number of accidents were not too large, however, to investigate these accidents can help to create improvement ideas in advance. In this regard, this study used traffic accident data, along with the traffic flow, the observed illegal driver's behaviors and the survey of road conflicts, to investigate the traffic characteristics and occurrence of the accident after the opening of the light rail system and conduct safety assessment at intersection. By using the Grey Relational Analysis method of grey theory the safety level was assessed. Furthermore, the safety problems were analyzed and the related countermeasures were proposed to enhance the safety of the LRT intersections.


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