  • 期刊


Designing User-friendly Traffic Signals for Pedestrians in an Aged Society




高齡社會 行人 交通號誌


Taiwan has been an aged society in 2018, and numerous older adults go out for outdoor activities by walking. However, as for the existing traffic environment at signalized intersections, older adults often have safety concerns when crossing the road. For example, if older adults enter the crosswalk during the last few seconds of the green phase, they will be trapped in the traffic and will be unable to cross the road before the green light changes to red. This problem increases the risk of accidents occurring. This study conducted a field survey to investigate the walking speeds of senior citizens by using various walking aids. Concerning the safety of older adults for crossing at intersection (e.g. not be trapped in the vehicle traffic), this study proposes a new safety design concept for pedestrian traffic signals. This study suggests that about the 10th walking speed (about 0.65 m/s) of the elderly with a cane or umbrella be used when determining the duration of green lights. In addition, the orange light and flashing orange light are designed to replace the flashing green light with a small green man running. When the orange light is on, it means that older adults should not enter the intersection since they may not have sufficient time to cross. As a result, older adults can more clearly judge whether they could enter and cross the road.


Aged society Pedestrian Traffic signal


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