  • 期刊


Secondary Data Analysis for Healthcare Providers




In addition to the daily routine clinical responsibilities, healthcare providers often have to concern with their research output in modern era. However, owing to the time and cost associated with data collection, they may be reluctant to engage in research work. Using secondary data analysis on databases with previously collected information not only can reduce the cost but also shorten the time of data collection. In addition, certain databases with large sample sizes can facilitate studies of rare events. If the data were sampled based on the structure of the population, the results can well represent the target population. Nevertheless, there are certain limitations on secondary data analysis such as the validity of the variables and the availability of important confounding factors. In general, aside from the saving time associated with data collection, the research process of secondary data analysis is not considerably different from that of typical research studies. A conscientious attitude and a research topic with clinical significance are still the most basic and important requirements. The present paper aimed to illustrate the advantages, limitations, and research process of secondary data analysis. Healthcare providers can use this as a basis for planning their research work and as a part of their continuing education.


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