  • 期刊


Virtue Ethics and Its Application to Bioethics


德行倫理學(virtue ethics,簡稱德行論)與結果論及義務論同為當代規範倫理學之三大理論,乃三者中最古老之學說,於古希臘及中世紀時代深受學者重視。對當代倫理學之影響而言,乃在結果論與義務論長久論辯後才復興之理論,帶來新論述與思維。本文介紹德行倫理學之定義、歷史演進、理論主張、對結果論與義務論之批判、所面臨之困難與回應,最後探討德行倫理於生命倫理之應用、以及在醫學教育中如何進行德行教育。作者期望藉本文之闡述,能為德行倫理之生命倫理與醫學教育研究及應用,建立初步基礎並引起日後更多研究興趣。


Virtue ethics, consequentialism and deontology are three major theories of contemporary normative ethics, among which virtue ethics is the oldest and much emphasized by ancient Greek and middle-Ages scholars. It is invigorated after long debates between consequentialism and deontology and brought new arguments and reasoning into the field. This paper introduces the theories of virtue ethics, including definition, historical development, main arguments, its criticisms for consequentialism and deontology, and its shortcomings and modifications. Application of virtue ethics theories to bioethics and medical education is then explored. It is hoped that through the explication of theories of virtue ethics, readers can better grasp its quintessence and application to bioethics and medical education, and therefor enrich its scope and connotation in bioethics discourses in the future.


virtue ethics medical education bioethics


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