  • 期刊


Leveraging Hierarchical Category Knowledge for Data-Imbalanced Diagnosis Text Understanding




Clinical notes are essential medical documents to record each patient's symptoms. Each record is typically annotated with medical diagnostic codes, which means diagnosis and treatment. This paper focuses on predicting diagnostic codes given the descriptive present illness in electronic health records by leveraging domain knowledge. We investigate various losses in a convolutional model to utilize hierarchical category knowledge of diagnostic codes in order to allow the model to share semantics across different labels under the same category. The proposed model not only considers the external domain knowledge but also addresses the issue about data imbalance. The MIMIC3 benchmark experiments show that the proposed methods can effectively utilize category knowledge and provide informative cues to improve the performance in terms of the top-ranked diagnostic codes which is better than the prior state-of-the-art. The investigation and discussion express the potential of integrating the domain knowledge in the current machine learning based models and guiding future research directions.


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