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The Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of the Brief Ruminative Response Scale in Patients with Depressive Disorders


本研究目的為翻譯並評估中文簡版反芻反應量表(Chinese version of the brief Ruminative Response Scale, C-B-RRS)於憂鬱症患者上的心理計量屬性。受試者為77位憂鬱症患者,來自於台灣北部兩所醫院精神科門診。結果顯示因素分析獲得苦惱自責與深思反省二個因素,其分別由四題項目所組成,此兩因素具有適當的內部一致性、四個月再測信度,苦惱自責與中文版貝克憂鬱問卷第二版(Chinese version of the Beck Depressive Inventory-second edition, C-BDI-II)具有中度相關,深思反省與C-BDI-II僅有低度相關。ROC曲線分析指出,苦惱自責對於C-BDI-II輕度憂鬱分組的最佳切點為7/8分,對於中度憂鬱分組的最佳切點為9/10分。C-B-RRS二因素模式具有適當的信效度,其中苦惱自責分量表可作為區辨輕度與中度憂鬱傾向的反芻篩選測驗。


ROC曲線 反芻 信度 效度 憂鬱


This study aimed to translate and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the brief Ruminative Response Scale (C-B-RRS) in patients with depressive disorders. Participants included seventy-seven depressive outpatients recruited from two hospitals in northern Taiwan. Results demonstrate that exploratory factor analysis yielded two factors, named Brooding and Reflection. Each is composed of four items. Both factors have demonstrated appropriate internal consistency and four-month test-retest reliability. Brooding has medium correlation with the Chinese version of the Beck Depressive Inventory-II (C-BDI-II) while Reflection has low correlation with the C-BDI-II. ROC curve analysis indicates that the optimal cut-off scores of Brooding for the C-BDI-II mild depressive group classification is 7/8, for the middle depressive group classification 9/10. The C-B-RRS has appropriate reliability and validity, in which the Brooding subtest can be used as a screening test of rumination for the discrimination of mild and medium depressive tendency.


ROC curve rumination reliability validity depression


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