  • 期刊


Think More If You Want to Negotiate: The Relationship between Negotiable Fate and the Amount of Information


Chiu、Au及Zhang(2012)分析了中文諺語以及英文諺語,發現中西文化中都蘊含有三種命運信念:宿命論信念(fatalism)、個人能動信念(personal agency),以及可議價命運信念(negotiable fate),而可議價命運信念比較常出現在華人社會中。Choi、Dalal、Kim-Prieto及Park(2003)認為東亞人相較於美國人,有著更為全面且複雜的思維方式,在面對因果事件時會納入更多訊息來做考量。本研究則進一步預測當華人個體被觸發可議價命運信念時,面對事件時所參考的訊息數量會明顯較觸發其他兩種命運信念時更多,這差異尤其在採用排除無關訊息的處理方式時會更為明顯,這應與華人所具有的整體性思維有關。研究一的參與者在被觸發不同命運信念後,須閱讀一則車禍事件及種種可能與車禍有關的訊息。125名參與者被分派至3(命運信念觸發:宿命論信念/個人能動信念/可議價命運信念)×2(訊息處理方式:勾選相關訊息/排除無關訊息)×3(訊息類型:環境訊息/命運訊息/個人訊息)混合設計。研究結果大致支持了我們的假設:採用排除無關訊息此種處理方式留下的訊息都比勾選相關訊息來得多;且被觸發可議價命運信念者在採用排除無關訊息的處理情況下,確實比觸發其他命運信念者納入了更多訊息作為參考。研究二進一步想要了解命運信念與思維方式的關係,158名參與者填寫相關的量表,結果顯示可議價命運信念的確與整體性思維、辯證思維有顯著正相關。


Chiu et al. (2012) analyze the Chinese and English proverbs and find there are three kinds of fate beliefs: Fatalism, Negotiable fate, and Personal agency. Research also suggests that East Asians have a more holistic and complex thinking style than Americans, and take more information into account when making decisions. We propose that when Taiwan Chinese are primed with the Negotiable fate belief, more information will be included, especially in the exclusion condition. In study 1, participants were run individually and were primed with one of three fate beliefs. They were then asked to read a scenario that described an accident and told to include or exclude possible reasons for the accident. 125 participants were randomly assigned to a 3 (priming condition: fatalism vs. negotiable fate vs. personal agency) × 2 (choice set: inclusion condition vs. exclusion condition) × 3 (reason type: external-related vs. fate-related vs. personal-related) mixed design. Results showed that the size of the choice set was larger in the exclusion condition than in the inclusion condition. Also, participants who were primed with negotiable fate would take significantly more reason information into consideration in the exclusion condition than those who were primed with other two fate beliefs. In the study 2, 158 participants were asked to answer a set of scales, and found that the negotiable fate belief were positively correlated with holistic thinking and dialectic thinking styles.


Au, E. W.,Chiu, C. Y.,Chaturvedi, A.,Mallorie, L.,Viswanathan, M.,Zhang, Z. X.,Savani, K.(2011).Maintaining faith in agency under immutable constraints: Cognitive consequences of believing in negotiable fate.International Journal of Psychology.46(6),463-474.


