  • 期刊


Extended Review by Constitutional Court- with Discussion of § 78 Sentence 2 of Act on the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany




Grand Justice as a judicial organ, should essentially be restricted by the principle of "no trial without complaint" when it interpreting constitution and reviewing the constitutionality of laws. However, starting with Interpretation No. 445, Grand Justice used to review the object law, which was not be complained. This article will firstly discuss the admissibility and conditions, in clouding the requirements and the extending scope. Secondly, to introduce the prescription of article 72 sentence 2 of Federal Constitutional Court Act of Germany: if the Federal Constitutional Court comes to the conclusion the law is unconstitutional, the Federal Constitutional may void the further provisions of the same law, which are unconstitutional for the same reasons. This article will discuss what is "for the same reasons" meaning? What is "the further provisions of the same law"? At last, to compare the praxis of Grand Justice and German law, and submit the opinion.


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