  • 期刊


The Application of the Reasonable Expectation of Privacy Test in Taiwan- My Expectation? Reasonable in Your View? Whose Privacy?




When it comes to privacy protection analysis, the Taiwanese courts often apply the subjective-objective, two-tier theory which was adopted by the U.S. court and referenced to in Interpretation No. 689 issued by Justices of the Constitutional Court, Judicial Yuan. Nevertheless, our observation indicates that applying the two-tier theory often results in the protection of a socially recognized privacy rather than a privacy standard that an individual has sought. At a first glance, it seems to be unreasonable that the privacy doctrine cannot fully protect an individual's privacy. However, one's privacy might also conflict with other persons' rights in the society. It is therefore worthy to discuss whose right shall be protected under the doctrine of the reasonable expectation of privacy. This article argues that, not only an individual's privacy expectation shall be considered when applying the privacy doctrine, but the privacy expectation of the society where a person lives and interacts with others shall also be taken into consideration in order to draw a line for better privacy protection.


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