  • 期刊


Improving the Patient Guidance Satisfaction and Integrity of Patients Hospitalized in Iodine-131 Isolation Rooms


入院護理指導攸關護理照護品質及滿意度。2017年11月,經查檢發現:入院照護指導不完整、未定期舉辦照護訓練課程、缺乏團隊參與、未建立標準作業流程及稽核制度、缺乏衛教工具及衛教單張不適用,因而造成入住碘隔離病人入院照護指導滿意度低。護理師執行入院照護指導完整率及病人之滿意度攸關護理品質,故提出解決方案為:定期舉辦照護訓練在職教育課程、制定碘隔離入院照護指導標準、建立碘隔離入院照護標準作業與稽核制度、製作病室環境介紹手冊、邀請照護團隊納入入院照護指導並修訂碘131衛教單張、製作儀器操作分解步驟圖卡、影片以及建立QR code。實施後,入住碘131隔離病人之入院照護指導滿意度由3.7分提升4.6分,完整率由67%提升至100%,可顯專案成效卓越,期望此護理專案能作為其他相關單位為標竿對象。


Objective: The study aimed to improve the patient guidance satisfaction of patients hospitalized in iodine-131 isolation rooms, as well as the patient guidance completion rate for such patients. Method: A patient care guidance checklist and patient care guidance satisfaction questionnaire were administered to 29 patients who had previously been hospitalized in iodine-131 isolation rooms. The evaluation was conducted on a one-on-one basis, and its results showed that the patients' satisfaction with patient guidance was only 3.7 points, and that the completion rate for the patient guidance performed by nurses was only 67%. Therefore, various solutions were implemented to create a more complete patient guidance framework for nurses, including the incorporation of regular care-related training in in-service education courses, the establishment of patient care guidance standards for patients in iodine-131 isolation rooms, the establishment of inpatient care standards and auditing processes for iodine-131 isolation rooms, the creation of an introductory handbook on ward environment, invitation of other care team to revise iodine-131 health education brochures, the creation of visual cards and videos covering equipment operation procedures, and introduction of QR codes. Results: Following the implementation of the above measures, the overall satisfaction of patients hospitalized in iodine-131 isolation rooms increased from 3.7 points to 4.6 points, and the completion rate for patient guidance rose from 67% to 100%. Conclusion: Given the excellent results achieved in this study, it is hoped that this nursing project can serve as a benchmark for other relevant departments.


行政院衛生福利部(2017,12 月)‧中華民國107年癌症登記報告‧取自file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/File_7635%20(1).pdf
