  • 期刊


The Clinical Effect of Physical Therapy Intervention in a Patient with Miller Fisher Syndrome-Case Report




Background and Purpose: Miller Fisher syndrome is a variant Guillain-Barré syndrome, and is clinically defined by a triad of symptoms, namely: areflexia, ataxia, and ophthalmoparesis. It is rare and lack of clinical evidence to support physical therapy intervention. The purpose of this study is to present the effect of individual exercise training program in a patient with Miller Fisher syndrome. Methods: A 77-year-old man presented with trunk ataxia, intentional tremor, absent deep tendon refl ex, and bulbar palsy was referred to physical therapy department. Miller Fisher syndrome was diagnosed after serial examinations. We used Berg balance scale (BBS), Modified International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (MICARS) and Functional Independence Measure (FIM) to assess the balance, ataxia and functional ability. Training program included dynamic standing balance training, coordination training, and functional ability training. We recorded the data of physical examination before and after exercise training. Results: With the analysis of international classification of functioning, disability, and health model, we found the main problems included trunk ataxia, insufficient standing balance and unsteady gait. After 6 weeks of individual training program, MICARS, BBS and FIM scale were improved. Conclusions: Patients with Miller Fisher syndrome could improve their walking ability, balance and reduce ataxia after six weeks of individualized physical therapy training.
