  • 期刊

運用G Suite for Education建置雲端平臺支援物理治療職類實習生教學訓練計畫

The Use of G Suite for Education for Building Cloud Platform to Support Internship Student Training Program in Physiotherapy Professionals


背景與目的:依據教學醫院評鑑基準(第6.1節)所示,醫院應提供實習學生有系統之臨床教學訓練,確保訓練之執行與成果評估。本研究探討個案醫院藉由Google教育應用程式建構物理治療實習訓練平臺,促進師生間雙向回饋、協同合作。方法:個案醫院採用免費Google Classroom建置雲端管理系統,於2016年11月進行物理治療實習生訓練,以三位老師及一位實習學生試行,並且藉由G Suite資源說明中心協助疑難排解。於2017年3月衡量使用者經驗的無形層面,採用Benedek和Miner開發產品反應卡(product reaction card),讓使用者在相關單詞中選出最能形容Google Classroom的5個描述,以評估application (App)易用性。以一題項衡量整體滿意度("1"表非常不滿意 ~ "5"表非常滿意)。結果:4名使用者對於Google Classroom平臺評價,所選擇形容詞為合作(4次)、有效率(3次)、好用(3次)、靈活的(3次)、客製的(2次),出現1次的單字為可靠、可獲取、值得擁有、好玩有趣、省時。四名使用者自陳平臺功能整體滿意度平均4.5分。結論:利用Google Classroom設立物治實習學生教學訓練平臺,實現師生多對多之互動與回饋。未來整合跨領域教材讓平臺成為豐富知識庫,並進行遠端視訊溝通,讓雲端教室更臻完善。


Background and Purpose: According to the evaluation criteria of teaching hospital accreditation (6.1), the hospital should provide systematic clinical training for internship students and ensure the assessment of outcomes. We explore how the case hospital constructs a physical therapy training platform with a free online application (App)-G Suite-to enhance the teaching quality and the interest of the interns. Methods: We have utilized a free Google educational App, Google Classroom, to build a cloud management system in November 2016. There were three physiotherapy teachers and one student was trained by the G Suite Resource Center. We adopted the Product Reaction Card developed by Benedek and Miner to evaluate intangible aspects of the user experience by Google Classroom App. In addition, users were surveyed by the overall satisfaction of 5-point Likert scales ("1" dissatisfied to "5" very satisfied) in March 2017. Results: The users perceived the ease of accessibility and efficient learning by Google Classroom and self-reported as "collaborative," "efficient," "usable," "flexible," "customizable," "reliable," "accessible," "desirable," "fun," and "time-saving." These Apps allow the users to create documents, share calendars, and create video. Under the discussion, the interns keep receiving the feedback from the teachers. The teachers and interns expressed their satisfaction with collaborative learning by Google Classroom App (4.5 score). Conclusions: The teachers and students can get the interaction and feedback from Google Classroom training platform, which combines with the face-to-face practice method. The next step is to integrate cross-professional materials to create knowledge base and use remote video communication.
