  • 期刊


Effect of Infrapatellar Strap on Quadriceps Strength and Jump


髕腱炎為常見的運動傷害,而髕腱加壓帶為髕腱炎患者經常使用的護具,因此,本研究目的為探討穿戴髕腱加壓帶對股四頭肌肌力與跳躍生物力學參數的影響。本研究收集14 位健康受試者慣用腳,利用等速肌力儀及表面肌電訊號系統,分析穿戴髕腱加壓帶前後,股四頭肌肌力及肌肉活化程度,並利用測力板分析蹲踞跳、下蹲跳及著地反彈跳之地面反作用力,使用成對樣本t 檢定比較使用髕腱加壓帶前後的差異。研究結果發現穿戴髕腱加壓帶不會顯著影響股四頭肌肌力與肌肉活化程度,但有促進股內側肌活化程度及減少股外側肌活化程度的趨勢,另外,在蹲踞跳起跳時穿戴髕腱加壓帶之地面反作用力顯著增加,而在下蹲跳和著地反彈跳起跳時,穿戴髕腱加壓帶則不會改變地面反作用力,且著地之地面反作用力皆有減少的趨勢。本研究結論為穿戴髕腱加壓帶,對於股四頭肌肌力輸出與肌肉活化程度沒有負面效益,也不會影響股四頭肌在運動過程中的伸張-收縮循環機制,同時能降低著地時的衝擊負荷。


Patellar tendinopathy is a common sport injury in athletes. Infrapatellar strap is an assistive device that is frequently used for the victims with patellar tendinopathy. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of infrapatellar strap usage on quadriceps strength and ground reaction forces during jumps. Fourteen healthy subjects were participated in this study. Biodex isokinetic dynamometer and surface electromyography systems were used to measure the muscle strength of the quadriceps and muscle activation of the dominant leg. A force plate was used to measure the ground reaction forces during squat jump, counter-movement jump and drop jump. Paired t-test was used to compare the statistical differences between the infrapatellar strap and nostrap conditions. We found no significant difference in quadriceps strength and muscle activation in the isokinetic testing. The application of infrapatellar strap significantly increased the vertical ground reaction force during the take-off phase of squat jump. However, no significant difference was found for the counter-movement jump and drop jump. The stretch-shortening cycle during jump was not affected by the infrapatellar strap application. These results concludes that along with reduction of the impact force during landing, the application of infrapatellar strap showed neither adverse effect on quadriceps strength and muscle activation, nor affected the stretch-shortening cycle during jump.


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