  • 期刊


Application of Non-thermal Atmospheric Plasma Jet for Starch Modification


在食品中澱粉被廣泛作為增稠劑、膠體穩定劑、填充劑、保水劑等;然而天然澱粉常因不耐酸、低耐剪切力、於低溫下溶解度低或在食品加工時黏度過高等性質致使其應用受到限制。為了強化澱粉的應用性,於是對澱粉進行修飾;澱粉修飾通常以化學方法為主,該方法容易產生化學殘留及環安疑慮。本研究旨在應用常壓非熱噴射式電漿修飾玉米澱粉及樹薯澱粉並探討經電漿處理後澱粉之理化性質及表面結構之變化。電漿處理(20 kHz, 空氣)在140、160或180 V下操作處理1、5或10 min。經電漿處理之澱粉pH值皆顯著下降,起始糊化溫度(T_O)、峰值糊化溫度(T_P)及最終糊化溫度(T_C)皆上升,糊化焓(ΔH)則下降,玉米澱粉透明度下降,樹薯澱粉透明度則依不同電壓及操作時間而增加或減少,澱粉黏度皆降低而且澱粉表面官能基變化及結構蝕刻現象也不同。顯然,該非熱電漿處理對這兩種澱粉的理化特性產生不同效應,可有效修飾不同澱粉,值得進一步探究以改良天然澱粉在食品工業之應用。


Starch is widely used in foods as a thickener agent, colloidal stabilizer, bulking agent, and water retention agent, etc. However, the common problems in native starch such as poor resistance to acid, low shear resistance, poor solubility at low temperature or high viscosity during processing restrict the applications of starch in foods. In order to improve the applications, native starches are modified. Starch modification is generally achieved through chemical derivatization. The use of chemicals inevitably causes chemical residues and environmental concern. The objectives of the study were to modify corn starch and tapioca starch by using an atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) treatment and to determine physicochemical properties and characterize functional structures of the modified starches. The plasma processing (20 kHz, ambient air) was conducted at 140, 160 or 180 V with different exposure time (1, 5 or 10 min). After plasma treatment, the pH values of starches were decreased. The gelatinization temperatures (onset (To), peak (Tp), and conclusion (Tc) temperatures) for treated starches increased and the gelatinization enthalpy (ΔH) was found to be decreased in plasma-treated samples compared to the control sample. The treatment reduced clarity of corn starch, whereas it increased or reduced clarity of tapioca starch depending on the input voltage and treatment time but decreased past viscosity of both starches. Moreover, the plasma-induced changes of specific functional group and etched structure in both starches were different. Obviously, the non-thermal plasma treatment affected differently the physicochemical properties of the starches and could effectively modify both starches. It is worth further exploring this approach to improve the applications of starch in food industry.
