  • 期刊


The Effect of Different Made the Seasoned Citrus Peel Properties and Sensory Evaluation-Structure Equation Modeling Test


陳皮是重要的藥食同源的材料之一,日前亦開始有許多料理將其作為天然調味料。然而傳統陳皮之製程,其以日光乾燥後將陳皮進行保存,但所需時間冗長,若利用其他加工技術縮短其製作時間有其必要性。此外結構方程模式(Structure Equation Modeling, SEM)日漸被應用在多種研究上,唯獨感官品評分析尚未被使用。故本研究擬利用椪柑、柳橙、文旦及檸檬之果皮,結合傳統熱風及微波乾燥技術製成陳皮,並經過不同的處理去除苦味,首先探討其理化性質的變化,再進行消費者感官品評,並以SEM探討影響陳皮品評最重要的因素。研究結果顯示,水分方面,使用熱風乾燥24小時之檸檬果皮其水分含量為4.30%及利用微波乾燥之柳橙果皮(10分鐘、20分鐘)及檸檬果皮(20分鐘)經乾燥後其水分分別為柳橙:4.10%、4.10%,檸檬:4.40%,低於市售陳皮(8.20%、5.60%),而椪柑及文旦則因果皮較厚,經微波乾燥10分後水分為23.10%、12.60%,高於市售陳皮。總類黃酮分析方面,隨著乾燥時間的增加,各實驗組之總類黃酮含量隨之提高(2.51-5.99 mg/g);感官品評結果沒有顯著性差異,但是進一步以SEM分析,香氣、風味、口感、餘韻、外觀喜好,是影響陳皮的重要因素。結果顯示風味、餘韻、口感為消費者認為影響產品的重要因素,表示消費者較在意產品進入口腔後所呈現的味覺。另外,本研究依SEM發現經去苦處理後苦味明顯降低,而總類黃酮含量皆有升高趨勢,表示去苦後之陳皮依然能保有其機能性成分。綜合以上結果,可以了解其柑橘類製作陳皮可以利用微波乾燥方式進行減少其加工製作時間,並且可以使用SEM再進一步分析感官品評結果,了解其重要性。


Chen pi (seasoned citrus peel) is an important ingredient in both medical and cooking purposes, and also in several cuisines as a natural seasoning. However, the traditional way of making Chen pi is putting peel under the sunshine until it is dry enough for storage, which requires too much time. Therefore, it is essential to develop other technique to shorten processing time. Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) has gradually been used in many researches, but not in sensory analysis. The main purpose of this research is to make Chen pi with the peel of ponkan, orange, buntan, and lemon through Hot Air Drying (HAD) and Microwave Drying (MD), discuss the physicochemical change after different debittering treatment, and comparing the market Chen pi with self-made Chen pi in sensory analysis to understand the acceptance of consumers, end up using SEM to find out the most important factor. In moisture content, the lemon after 24 hours HAD treatment (moisture content: 4.30%) and after 20 minutes MD treatment (moisture content: 4.40%), the orange after 10 and 20 minutes MD treatment (moisture content: 4.10%, 4.10%), the moisture content in these two Chen pi are lower than market Chen pi (moisture content 8.20%, 5.60%), the moisture content in ponkan and buntan after 10 minutes MD treatment (moisture content: 23.10%, 12.60%) are still higher than market ones, because of the thicker peel. In flavonoid, the content rise with the increasing drying time (2.51-5.99 mg/g). In sensory analysis, it showed no difference in each Chen pi, but after combined with SEM, odor, flavor, texture, aftertaste, appearance are the important factors in Chen pi, even more, favor, aftertaste and texture are the factors consumers care about the product, it also means that consumers care more on the taste. In addition, after debittering treatment, bitter taste decreases obviously and the flavonoid content increases, indicates that Chen pi can still hold the functional property after debittering. In conclusion, MD can shorten the processing time of Chen pi, and SEM can be used in analyzing the result of sensory analysis, to discuss the importance and connection among the factors.
