  • 期刊

Will Kymlicka多元文化思想研究

The Study of Will Kymlicka's Political Thought in Multiculturalism


當代社會之價值多元處境,使得政治社群的正當性備受質疑。面對政治秩序正當性的崩解,某些自由主義者認為國家必須在眾多善觀念之中,保持中立,如此才能公正地對待每一位公民,亦即國家不應該基於某個特殊善觀念的內在優越性而採取政治行動。但另一方面,在政治場域中排除善觀念的中立途徑遭受多元文化論者諸多批評。面對此一挑戰,自由主義多元文化論的理論家Will Kymlicka重新詮釋自由主義的關於族群文化差異的觀點。Kymlicka修正了傳統自由主義對於個人自主性的認知,指出個人自主性之行使必然預設價值脈絡,而此價值脈絡就是個人所屬的文化結構,也就是將文化成員身分與公民身分做出最佳的結合。有鑑於此,本論文即是要探討在當代多元的民主社會情境中,Kymlicka以自主性為基礎的自由主義多元文化論的理論如何修正公民資格觀,以容納更多的文化差異及維持政治社群的穩定。


Contemporary plural societies have shaken the legitimacy of political community. Facing the collapse of legitimacy of political order, some liberals advocate that state should be neutral among many conceptions of good in order to treat every citizen fairly, which means state should not act due to the inner superiority of a particular conception of good. However, the neutrality approach which excludes the conception of good in political fields has arisen many critiques from multiculturalism. Facing the challenge from multiculturalism, especially the politics of difference and the politics recognition, Will Kymlicka attempts to reinterpret the implications of liberal principles to accommodate ethnocultural diversities. He argues that the exercise of individual autonomy presupposes a cultural context or structure one belonging to that permit persons to choose their respective ideal ways of life. So this article intends to explore in the context of a pluralistic democratic society, "How should autonomy-based liberal multiculturalism amend its conception of citizenship to accommodate more cultural differences, and maintain the stability of political community?"


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Gutmann, A.(Ed.)(1994).Multiculturalism.Princeton:Princeton University.
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