  • 期刊


The Relationship between the Management Counseling Measures of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and the Survival Probability in Taiwan-in the Case of A Counseling Unit


中小企業(SMEs)因其創建的門檻較低,在景氣低迷時可吸納失業人口,若景氣好轉,亦可能成長為大型企業,對經濟成長注入更大的動量,在經濟發展中扮演著重要之角色。但因中小企業低資本與低創建門檻的特性,承受風險的能力不高,因此,如何有效地推行相關協助政策,幫助中小企業度過營運問題,便變成了國家經濟建設之重要課題。本研究利用A輔導單位2009年之資料進行分析,透過Logit方法,建立存活迴歸模型(Survival Regression Model),分析何種輔導措施對企業的存續機率有正向之幫助。希能提供相關單位之政策建議論述,以將有限之資源投入在正確的方向。本文研究結果顯示,輔導措施中的ISO管理系統有利於受輔導廠商之營運發展。而廠商位於北部地區輔導後存活機率較高,顯示除輔導政策外,企業本身之特性亦對企業的存活機率形成影響。


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) could reduce the number of unemployed people when economy recession. If the economy grows, SMEs may transfer to large enterprises, and become the great momentum of economic growth and play an important role. However, with low capital and low create barrier of SMEs, it could not endure higher risk. Therefore, it has become an important issue, how to implement the relevant assistance policies to help SMEs solving the business problems effectively. This study used the data of A counseling unit in 2009 and use Logit Method to establish the Survival Regression Model. It analyzed that what kind of counseling measures make positive survival probability for SMEs. The conclusion could provide policy advice to the relevant department making the limited resource in the right direction. The results of this study show that the ISO management system in the counseling program is conducive to SMEs. If the counseled SMEs located in the northern region of Taiwan will have higher survival probability. It shows that the characteristics of SMEs make influence to its survival probability.


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