  • 期刊


On a Research Institutions of Bacteriology in Japan-Ruled Taiwan: A Case Study of the Shihlin Branch and Its Bacterial Products




Since the 1990s many brilliant studies in the history of science have presented material cultures are often interfered by political, socio-economic, and other external factors, configurating obstacles to illuminate the meanings of manufacture and even material itself. This paper aims to explore the process of establishing the Shilin Branch of the Government Research Institute, Department of Hygiene in Formosa and its transformation to the Shilin Branch of the Institute of Tropical Medicine of Taipei Imperial University along with the discussion on the interaction between bacterial products and its manufacturing organizations. The discussion starts at the demand for specific products such as tetanus and diphtheria in Japan in the 1930s, and traces the key figures who guided the development of manufacturing bacterial products in colonial Taiwan. By the flow of medical professionals and the initiation to build research institute of bacteriology, the Department of Hygiene in Japan immediately coordinated with the School of Medicine of the Taipei Imperial University which close to the Tokyo Imperial University. The seamless connection between the Department of Hygiene in Japan and the Taipei Imperial University implied that the bacterial manufacturing in Taiwan on a periphery location was supported by the medical center in Japan. However, with the demands for specific products increased due to the outbreak of WWII, the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Taiwan gained some special status and privileges in production, way beyond many imperial university institutes in other colonies, almost paralleled to the Government Institute for Infectious Diseases in Japan. With careful review, generally speaking, the authors attempt to illustrate how materials like bacterial products could symbolize the unique features of Japanese colonial medicine via the institutionalization of medical research and manufacturing in Taiwan.


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《 台衛新報 》 ( 1937 ) , 〈 中央研究所 の 解體 と 衛生部 の 醫大移管問題 〉 12 月 1 日 。
《 台灣日日新報 》 ( 1915 ) , 〈 血清檢查問題 〉 。 7 月 16 日 。
