  • 期刊

A Comparative Study of Breastfeeding during Pregnancy: Impact on Maternal and Newborn Outcomes



背景 儘管許多文化上證實,懷孕期哺乳仍是常見的,其存在的副作用仍不清楚。目的 本研究比較有進行懷孕期哺乳及未進行懷孕期哺乳的多胎懷孕婦女,其足月生產的成功率及新生兒體重的情形。方法 本研究為一進行九個月的比較型研究,比較在伊朗Birjand兩個醫院的產科門診的兩組婦女。第一組為80位懷孕期哺乳超過30天或以上的婦女,第二組為240位懷孕婦女未進行懷孕期哺乳。兩組婦女在年齡、生產次數、醫療/助產上的問題、及懷孕期營養的改變的分布情況均相似。兩位經過訓練的護理師使用自擬的問卷進行資料的收集。結果 本研究結果顯示,兩組婦女之足月生產率沒有統計上差異。我們進一步發現,足月產與非足月產新生兒,其出生體重在兩組間亦無統計上差異。結論/實務應用 研究結果建議,懷孕期哺乳並不會增加母親及新生兒不良結果的危險性。護理師或助產士應提供準媽媽適合的實證指引及著重懷孕期間哺乳的適當營養攝取。


哺乳 懷孕 嬰兒餵食 出生體重 流產


Background: Despite widespread cultural vilification, lactation-pregnancy overlap remains common. Its actual adverse effects remain uncertain.Purpose: This study compared rates of success in reaching full-term delivery and newborn birth weights between two groups of multiparous pregnant women: those who breastfed during pregnancy and those who did not.Methods: This was a comparative study conducted over 9 months, which examined two groups of women in the maternity units of two hospitals in Birjand, Iran. The first group comprised 80 women who breast-fed for 30 days or more during pregnancy; the second group comprised 240 women who did not. The two groups had similar distributions in terms of maternal age, parity, medical/midwifery problems, and nutritional changes during pregnancy. Two trained nurses used a self-developed questionnaire to collect data.Results: Results found no significant difference in full-term or non-full-term births rates and mean newborn birth weight between the two groups. We further found no significant difference between full-term or non-full-term births and mean newborn birth weight for those who continued and discontinued breastfeeding during pregnancy in the overlap group.Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Results suggest that breastfeeding during normal pregnancy does not increase chance of untoward maternal and newborn outcomes. Nurses and midwives should give expectant mothers appropriate evidence-based guidance and focus attention on promoting proper nutritional intake based on lactation status during pregnancy.


breastfeeding pregnancy infant feeding birth weight abortion


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