  • 期刊


The Workplace Conditions of Women in the IT Workforce: the case of female IT programmers


已開發國家女性職場參與率自20世紀起明顯增長,但許多研究發現在某些職場中,女性所佔的比例偏低,資訊科技職場即為其中之一。國外研究發現,女性比例偏低與職場中的性別不友善環境及工作文化有密切關係。有鑑於臺灣較少有研究探討資訊科技職場中性別失衡的情況,此研究採用混合研究方法(mixed-methods approach),以量化分析檢視性別比例及人口變項特質,以質性訪談深入探討影響資訊科技職場的性別建構情形,並探究女性程式設計師如何因應。研究發現,臺灣的資訊科技職場性別比例懸殊,男性約為女性的4倍;訪談分析發現傳統的性別建構透過職場文化仍持續複製,並對於女性在分工、升遷及訓練機會上都造成影響。研究採用Marshall(1993)的四階段模型分析女性如何因應性別化資訊科技職場的文化,發現大部分女性都處於第一階段,部分女性雖進入第二及第三階段,但在環境壓力下不斷於噤聲、備戰、反叛間轉換。整體研究結果顯示,除非改變社會中的傳統性別建構,資訊科技職場中的性別化現象難以獲得整體改善。


The labor force participation rate of women in developed countries has increased since last century. However, previous studies found that women remained underrepresented in some occupations. Information technology (IT) workforce was one of them. International studies indicated that the underrepresentation of women was associated with the gender-biased environment and work culture. Given the scarcity of studies on gender imbalance in Taiwan's IT workforce, this study adopted a mixed-methods approach. Whereas quantitative analysis examined the sex ratio and demographic characteristics of employees in the IT workforce, qualitative analyses explored the gender construction in the IT workforce and female IT programmers' survival strategies. Research findings showed that there was a serious gender imbalance in a way that the sex ratio of male to female employees was 4:1. Analysis results based on the interviews suggested that gender stereotypes were replicated through the workplace culture. Gender construction had an impact on job arrangements, promotion, and training opportunities. The author then adopted the four-stage coping model developed by Marshall (1993) for the analysis of women's reactions to the gendered work culture in the IT sector. The results showed that most female interviewees were at the stage A. Although some interviewees entered stage B and C, they constantly moved backwards and forwards between "muted" and "rebellious" stages under the pressure form the workplace. Overall, this study suggested that gender differences in the IT workforce can hardly be improved unless the traditional social construction of sexuality is challenged.


(2006).Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology.
Adams, T. L.(2000).A dentist and a gentleman: gender and the rise of dentistry in Ontario.University of Toronto Press.
