  • 期刊


The Historical Survey on the Study of Feng-shui Culture in Taiwan during the Past Hundred Years




風水 堪輿 漢學 民俗學 學術史


This paper mainly aims at the historical survey on the study of Feng-shui culture in Taiwan during the past hundred years from the academic circles at home and abroad. The research focuses on the analysis through three aspects: 1. The study trend and subjects concerned in the academic circles during different periods since late 19th century. 2. The difference and commonality on the study of various approach and subjects in the academic circles since late 19th century. 3. The influence being caused by the external factors of the ruling demands and social development in the study of Feng-shui culture. This research expects to construct the academic history network of Feng-shui culture study over the past hundred years, to present the problem awareness, research method, discourse focus and concept of values in the subject provided by local and overseas scholars, to guiding more subjects and directions on the study of Feng-shui culture in Taiwan. In addition, this article expects to provide the communication between different disciplines as of History, Folklore, Anthropology, Sociology, Architecture, Geography, Landscape and Ecology, so as to conduct the interlocution with scholars abroad in the study of Feng-shui culture.


Feng-shui Geomancy Sinology Folklore Academic history


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