  • 期刊


Men' Names and Women' Names: A Case Study of the Names of Examinees Who Passed Government-Employee Examination in the Years from 1965 to 1974




名字 差異 性別角色 社會建構


The purpose of this paper is to explore the cultural and social mechanism behind gender difference in names and, in doing so, to understand the theoretical linkage between name and gender. Two research questions steer this study. First, how are men’s names different from women’s names? Second, how is gender difference in names related to sex role and sex stratification? The findings are summarized as follows. Men’s names and women’s names differ in terms of character bank, degree of concentration and image. First, men’s names and women’s names come from separate character bank. According to the data used in this study, among the 40 most frequently used second-name-characters by men and women, there is only one character in common. Second, the degrees of concentration of men’s and women’s second-name-characters are different. While men’s names feature low recurrences, the recurrences of women’s names are comparatively high. Third, men’s names and women’s names are characteristic of distinct images. Men’s names show emphasis on individual success, morality, knowledge, family and public affairs. Women’s names are restricted to the scope of decorative objects and physical senses. It is concluded that gender difference in names reinforces sex role and strengthen sexist value. In short, name is more than a mark for interpersonal exchanges, but a value-loaded category created under social construction.


name gender difference sex role social construction


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林少尹(2013)。性別平等法規範與父權社會規範之角力 -以民法子女姓氏約定制度為例〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-2211201316564761
