  • 期刊


The Evaluation Model of Service Improvements for Location-Based Services System Using IOA-NRM Approach


「使用者位置」則是現在最熱門的消費者資訊,當使用者在不同的地理位置使用行動裝置,服務供應商可以從這些資訊中得了解使用者之間存在的差異,並依據此差異提供使用者更具個人化、客製化的服務並且發展新一代的商業模式,因此適地基礎服務可能會是未來的趨勢。因此本研究藉由探討使用者的需求偏好以找出使用者對於適地基礎服務的功能選擇偏好,利用創新機會模型(Innovation-Opportunity Analysis, IOA)找出使用者需求與服務功能之間的落差,再以決策試驗與實驗評估法(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)來建構需求構面的網路關聯圖(Network Ration Map, NRM),之後透過需求落差與關聯結構圖以找出服務改善方向,並藉此來建構出適地基礎服務之發展策略。


According users' location, service providers can get more details about users that they can provide different and more appropriate service between every user. Then, the concept of location-based service (LBS) emerges and will become a trend in future. Analyzing user needs on developing LBS services that helps service providers realize what service or function is they really need. This study would select aspect/criterion for users to evaluate the preference and willingness of LBSs. The Innovation-Opportunity Analysis (IOA) can find out which aspect/criterion is needed to improvement and the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) is used to construct the Network Relation Map (NRM). LBSs can obtain improvement strategies based on user needs and improve service quality using service develop strategies.


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