  • 期刊


A Study on Elective of the Behavior of Students in the Elective Physical Education Course


由於大學法改制,體育課程已從全部必修改爲部分選修;另一方面,體育課程不再是單純的體育教學,已提升到國際交流的另類國際語言。因此,如何改善體育課程規劃與實施,提升其存在的重要性並吸引學生選修,是目前各大學校院的體育室最重要且必須面對的事情。本研究之目的在於以大學四年級學生選修體育課之行爲與選課行爲之關係,期能提供各校體育室實務上參考之建議。 本研究以輔仁大學四年級選修體育課程之學生爲對象,進行調查研究。使用的結構性問卷乃由研究者編製而成,共分爲五個主要測量變項:選修體育課程行爲態度、選修體育課程行爲主觀規範、選修體育課程行爲知覺、行爲控制以及選修體育課程行爲意向,最後一部份則爲個人基本資料及選課經驗。 本研究以此爲架構爲理論爲基礎,結合相關欲探討變項而成。進行研究變項之描述性統計來測試本研究中理論關係之假設,以進一步得到各變項間關係之推論;資料處理係以統計軟體SPSS13.0進行各變項間的統計處理及考驗。 研究結果發現:大學生選修體育課行爲態度、主觀規範、知覺行爲控制、行爲意向與選課行爲之相關分析中,如所呈現般,大多數變項間彼此有顯著關係。由此可知,以選課態度量表來篩選學生無選課是較有效的工具,可作爲學生選課的重要指標。


Due to the amendment of the University Act, the curriculum of physical education (PE) had been turned from the four-year required into the partly elective. On the other hand, the PE curriculum has enhanced to the alternative international language, instead of traditional skills teaching. Hence, it became fatally important to the office of PE to improve the programming and implementation of PE curriculum, so that students may be attracted to enroll in it. The purposes of the study were to validate the behavior of senior undergraduates enrolling in the elective PE courses; to explore the relations among the variables proposed by the elective PE courses; and to present practical suggestions to the offices of PE. The study surveyed on the senior undergraduates having enrolled in the elective PE courses in the Fall, 2006 in Fu-Jen Catholic University. The structural questionnaire used in the study was developed by the researcher and regarding the PE enrollment it could be divided into five major variables measured: attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior control, behavioral intention, and last, demographic data. Taking the framework, the study integrated some variables related. Descriptive statistics were conducted to test the hypotheses of the study. Data were processed in the SPSS for Window 13.0. The results showed: Most variables proposed by the attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior control, behavioral intention were related one another, just as the original model showed. Therefore, the scale of attitude was effective enough as the predictor for students not enrolling in the elective PE courses.


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