  • 期刊


The Research of the motivation of joining the training and obstructive of factors of hearing impairment Athletic players in 2017 Deaflympics




Purpose: The man purpose of this research is to explore the motivation of joining the training and obstructive factors of hearing impairments in 2017 Deaflympics, also to analyse the difference between the athlects who are from different family background. This research paper baseson the athlectic teams which have a better grade and with our Taiwanese team to make the guestionaive and the research more complete. We send out 100 guestionaires and retake 82 . The following are the conclusion that analyse by SPSS:Ⅰ. In chart I ,16th" I want to enjoy The joy of competition, this topic gets the highers requirement,and 30th " Beacause of recommend of my friends." it gets the lowest requiment. In chartⅡ,17th , to set a goal " is the highest one, other topics are using the high score to analyse the result not with low dates. In chart Ⅲ, 2nd ,"The training place is not perfect," the topic is the most important factor that affect to players , and 24th ,"Because I wearing cochlerr implant ,so it is inconvenience," this topic is not affect the players too much. Ⅱ. We collect many datas from athlects that from different countries, and we get the result that. Japan and Taiwan have a biggest discrepence in personal inner of obstructive factors( The datas show that Japan is better), and according to the datas we know that the person who has high motivation in joining the training and the obstructive factors will be lower, vice versa. The research discovers that there is no obviously negative value between the motivation and obstructive factors. The conclusion of research paper can be supply for Taiwanese hearing impairment athlectics team to refer. It is the first time to do a study about hearing impairment in Taiwan, therefore I wish there will be more people concern and do the deeper studies in this field.


李昭慶、林淑惠(2002)。2000 年世界優秀運動員年齡之分析。中華體育學刊
