  • 期刊


Museum to Assist School in the Research of Dengue Fever Prevention Education - Take the "Exterminator Squad" as an Example


本研究旨在以研究者開發之登革熱防治教具箱-「滅飛特攻隊」及推廣策略,探討學校借用「滅飛特攻隊」教具箱的實施情況是否能呼應方便運送(Portable)、具吸引力(Attractive)、資源共享(Share)、助益教育(Support)的PASS開發推廣策略,以及學生參與教具箱課程的學習成效。研究一以2017年9月至2019年6 月使用本教具箱的學校所提供的128份回饋單進行分析,目的在瞭解以本教具箱協助校園登革熱防治教育符合PASS教具箱開發推廣策略的實施狀況。研究二以2019年2月至6月期間借用本教具箱的國小學校五、六年級的學生為對象(487人),將學生參與本教具箱施教前、後的登革熱認知測驗表現進行相依樣本t檢定,以瞭解學生的學習成效。研究結果發現:首先,PASS教具箱開發推廣策略,經郵局遞送包裹,可有效地將教具送到偏遠地區學校;教具箱設計融入遊戲概念,可有效提升學生的學習動機及學習興趣;以「資源共享」的方式提供學校借用本教具箱,可以獲得學校的認同,但對於資源共享所能分配到的時間、數量並不滿意;教師運用本教具箱進行施教,都能達成教具箱設定的登革熱防治之教學目標。其次,從比較學生前、後測的表現,發現學生參與本教具箱的課程後,對登革熱的認知達到統計上的顯著進步。


This study aims to examine the Exterminator Squad, a teaching toolset developed by the researcher, and its promotion strategies. It also explores whether schools' application of the Exterminator Squad can reflect the PASS (portable, attractive, share and support) promotion strategy, as well as learning results of students using the toolset. Research 1 analyzed the basic information from 178 schools that had utilized the toolset from September 2017 to June 2019, as well as 128 feedback entries, to determine if using the toolset to help dengue fever prevention education on campus complies with the implementation of the PASS promotion strategy. Research 2 studied 5th and 6th graders in elementary schools (a total of 487 participants), who used the toolset from February 2019 to June 2019. The research used the dependent sample t-test to examine the results of cognitive tests on dengue fever taken by the students before and after using the toolset in order to understand the effectiveness of their learning. The research findings are as follows. Firstly, via the PASS promotion strategy, the Exterminator Squad toolset can be effectively delivered to schools in remote areas by post. The design of the toolset integrates gaming concepts, which effectively improve students' motivation to learn and interest in learning. Furthermore, schools can borrow the toolset through the resource sharing mechanism, which helps to facilitate schools' acceptance. However, the time and number of toolsets allocated to each school under the same mechanism remain unsatisfying. On the other hand, teachers who apply the toolset to their teaching can meet the objectives set by the toolset in terms of dengue fever prevention education. Secondly, comparing students' performance in pre- and post-tests, this study finds that students' understanding of dengue fever showed noticeable improvement after they participated in the course on the toolset.


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