  • 期刊


Talks at Yen-An: The Tighten Mantra of New China's Poetry




延安講話 西南聯大 詩歌史 頌歌


In 1949, just before establishment of CPC, Zhou Yang announced that literature and art must base on "Talks at the Yen-An Forum on Literature and Art". This absolute direction of the seventeen years made poetry of China fell into hollowed and templated crisis. Under such principle, those poets who originated from Yen-an such as He Jin-zi, Kuo Siaw-juan, Tian Jian obtained great advantages, while they involuntarily became producers of canticle, singing on the top of their voices for motherland and thus deeply hurt their writing. During the same period, the other group of modernism poets who came from National Southwest Associated University, were forced to stop or transform their writing. Thus, these modernism poets turned into apocalypse of the seventeen years. Mu Tan, Tu Yun-xie and Fung Ji were those who sacrificed under such ideology. This article deep explores the context of history of poets, making a political and historical comparison of Yen-an and Kun Ming. Secondly, it discusses the supreme guiding principle of Talks at the Yen-an Forum on Literature and Art from difference aspects. This principle has formed a tightening spell and thereby damaged "seeds of Yen-an" and "seeds of Lian-ta".


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