  • 期刊


Humanoid Intelligent Machine: The Narrative of Body and Mind Modification in Late Qing Science Fictions




晚清 科幻小說 造人 生理學 催眠術 電帶


Since 1840, the introduction of new Western learnings has reshaped the Chinese people's understanding of the body and mind. The introduction of these teachings stimulated them into expecting the possibility of modifying and managing our bodies and minds through modern technology. This paper analyses relevant content found in late Qing science fiction (SF), and discusses how SF carried, simulated, and parodied scientific discourse in late Qing, and how the definition of "human being" changed in a narrative system consisting of: fictional narrative, textbooks, technological information, overseas experience, newspaper advertisements, folk hearsay, and public performances. Specifically, three kinds of knowledge that changed the definition of human beings are discussed. Modern physiology and medicine regard people as detachable and fixable machines. Blood transfusions, physical "brain-washing" and "heart-washing" technologies in SF are not merely exaggerated fables of the rebirth of the nation, but also the worship of science and utopian expectations. Secondly, the "mind-body" model constructed by theories of hypnotism and mental cultivation methods made people believe that there were scientific ways to manipulate minds and harness souls. Lastly, the ubiquitousness of "electrical energy" has become the source of vitality and the seat of the soul. From this belief, many people trusted medical equipment invented by industrialized nations, such as TENS devices and electric belts. They dreamed of an electrified utopia and the immortality of the soul. In this narrative, "human" has essentially become a machine that is both editable and energy-driven, whose fate is foreshadowed by the definition given herein.


王儀,〈催眠術談〉,《醫藥學報》第 1 期,光緒 33 年正月朔日,頁 21-29。
梁宗鼎,〈催眠說〉,《東方雜誌》第 13 卷第 7 號,1916 年 7 月 10 日,頁 13-16。
〈最新電氣自療具〉,《新民叢報》第 46-48 號合刊,1904 年 2 月 14 日,廣告頁。
梁啟超,〈論小說與群治之關係〉,《新小說》第一年第一號,光緒 28 年 11 月 15 日。
未署名,〈論近人編輯無益小說有害衛生卒致自戕生命事〉,《衛生學報》第 4 期,光緒 32年 4 月。
