  • 期刊


Data Method and Type Theory of Network Novels- Taking 749 Chinese network novels in 2018 as the object of investigation




This article adopts big data statistics, analysis and NLP (Natural Language Processing) method (technical support: GuZhen story workshop) to conduct a full sample survey of 749 online novels in 2018. Based on this, the research ideas of type literature will be adopted. These online literary works are summarized into three major aspects ("fantasy novel", "novel concerning real life and drawing materials from it", "suspense and reasoning novel") and eight specific types (fantasy and fantasy novel, science fiction novel, traversing novel, suspicion and reasoning novel, modern life and emotion novel, historical novel, workplace growth novel and other novels). In the study of different types of fiction, we focus on different research approaches, such as big data word frequency statistics, traditional text close reading and topic analysis, and typological literature research methods. The article tries to find out the writing rules and literary features of these different types of novels. Finally, I hope to form a whole understanding of the development of Chinese online novels in 2018, and try to re-recognize and understand some types of online fiction that are unclear or controversial through word frequency statistics.


online novels big data type literature fantasy mystery novel


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