  • 期刊


Blossoms strive out from the Gaze of Lu Xun's "Abandoned Garden": Liu Da-ren's Gardening and Gardening-writing as an "Action" of Identity Construction


本文擬論證劉大任長達數十年的造園與寫園活動是一種漢娜.鄂蘭(Hannah Arendt)所謂的「行動」。從他的「言說」(相關書寫)中,可以看出劉大任此一「行動」的內涵結合了左翼思想中所強調的「勞動」、在西方被景觀藝術家但在中國被視為農工階層的園丁之「工作」與中國傳統文人的賞園之「習性」這三種向度。此「行動」的目的乃為創造出其生命故事,並藉以呈現出其所認知的當代中國知識份子的身份認同-在自由、獨立的精神中進行每一個當下的選擇,並展現對「人類境況」所造就的多元性能有所尊重的情懷。而對劉大任來說,這種身份認同是透過「行動」與「言說」進行實踐的。本文用以論證這些觀點的材料,主要為劉大任在2015年所發表的長篇小說《當下四重奏》,藉由指出其與魯迅的小說《在酒樓上》(1924)的互文,帶入劉大任許多小說中一貫存在的「廢園凝視」現象,以之對照劉大任對自身知識份子身份的認知與認同內涵的持續詰問,論證其最終展現的是一種關懷「人的境況」的認同觀。本文同時耙梳出劉大任不受意識形態主導,且尊重多元主體性的園林思想,並論證此乃為劉大任身份認同觀的相互映現。在對《當下四重奏》的分析中,劉大任過去所發表的〈園意〉(1992)及其他與園林相關的書寫,也將被依論述的要點分別帶入,用以佐證本文的觀點。


This essay proposes that the gardening and garden-writing activity of Liu Da-ren in decades is a kind of "action" so-called by Hanna Arndt. Although it seems that Liu's "action" of gardening and garden-writing is a combination of the Chinese left-wing ideas of a gardener as a labor and Chinese literati's traditional role as garden appreciator, his attitude toward garden and gardening are independent of any ideology. It can be said that his "action" actually aims to construct his identity as a contemporary Chinese intellectual - in the spirit of freedom and independence when making each choice, and in respect of the subjectivity of every individual in considering "human condition". The major work analyzed is the Quartet of the Moment, a novel written by Liu and published in 2015. By pointing out the intertextuality between Quartet of the Moment and Lu Xun's novel "On the Upper Floor of a Boite" (1924), it is indicated that the continuous gazing from the "abandoned garden" mentioned in "On the Upper Floor of a Boite", which exists in Liu’s many novels, is the driving force leading Liu in keeping pursuit of his identity as an intellectual. It is concluded that Liu's ideas about garden and gardening are actually parallel to the identity he constructed as a contemporary Chinese intellectual.


鄂蘭,漢娜(Arendt, Hannah),林宏濤譯,《人的條件》(The Human Condition)。臺北,商周出版社,2016。
