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The problem of auto-reference: a critical thinking by Foucault


「去主體化」((de)subjectification)向來是傅柯思想為人所熟知的部分,而其由此承繼而來的「反辨證法」(anti-dialectics)立場也是傅柯研究者不會陌生的。但是在這個具指標性的理論術語之下,似乎有一些細微甚至瑣碎的概念鮮少為人提及或嚴肅探討。「自我指涉」(auto-référence/self-reference)的概念可視為其中之一。稍稍熟悉傅柯的讀者應該不陌生他在《詞與物》(The Order of Things)前放了一章關於〈宮娥圖〉的精采分析,這幅畫包含著相當多的自我指涉(self-reference)的表達以及自我指涉悖論(self-reference paradox)的呈現。即便如此,我們也很少看到對於此概念的詳細探討。自我指涉向來透過古老的說謊悖論被視為一個重要哲學問題。因為它關乎知識的基礎-真值-的條件,然而這個問題較頻繁地在分析哲學及語言哲學上展開,而且也傾向於關注在悖論的處理而較不是在自我指涉的問題上,儘管兩者很難區分。本文在此意圖探討傅柯在「自我指涉」的實質問題上所關心的是「主體的抹消」而非語句的「真值」條件,並透過「自我指涉」一詞開啟傅柯思想與其他哲學領域在知識論上的對話可能性並且也希望透過傅柯考古學眼光重新定義出「自我指涉」的其他問題性。


自我指涉 知識型 悖論 外邊


Desubjectification and anti-dialectics, which is based on desubjectification, are Foucauldian concepts well-known to Foucault researchers. However, many of Foucault's subtle or even trivial concepts are rarely mentioned or brought up in serious discussions, in which the concept of "self-reference" (auto-référence) is one of them. Readers who are familiar with Foucault's work will be no stranger to the brilliant analysis of Las Meninas in one of the chapters in The Order of Things (Les mots et les choses: un archéologie des sciences humaines). This painting contains many self-reference expressions and paradoxes. Nevertheless, detailed discussions on self-reference remain scant. Self-reference, a problem illustrated in the classical liar paradox, is considered a crucial philosophical problem because it challenges the foundation of knowledge, i.e., truth. Discussions on this problem are more frequently made in the fields of analytic philosophy and philosophy of language; furthermore, the discussions place a greater focus on answering paradoxes rather than the problem of self-reference (despite the two problems being markedly similar). This study uses the term "self-reference" to create a possibility of opening a dialogue between Foucauldian ideas and other philosophical concepts on epistemology, and reinvestigates Foucault's views by using a less popular (but highly debatable) concept. This study serves as an innovative research. Close reading is used to clarify the relationships between Foucault and self-reference paradoxes as well as to discuss the self-reference concept in order to identify the possibility of investigating the problem of self-reference proposed by Foucault.


Foucault, Michel. (1966a). Les mots et les choses : un archéologie des sciences humaines, Paris: Gallimard.
Foucault, Michel. (1969). L’archéologie du savoir. Paris : Gallimard.
Foucault, Michel. (1972). Histoire de la folie à l’âge clqssique. Paris :Gallimard.
Foucault, Michel. (1994). The Order of Things : An Archaeology of the Human Sciences, NY: Random.
Foucault, Michel. Trans. Brian Massumi (1987). Maurice Blanchot: The Thought from Outside. FOUCAULT/BLANCHOT, NY: Zone Books.
