  • 期刊


The first discussion of ZhouLi in East Han Dynasty: Questions and Answers between Lin Hsiao Tsun and Zheng Xuan




There has so many argument about the truth or fake of the book ZhouLi in Zhouli studies' history. For the book ZhouLi concerns many problems about the laws and institutions of the old society, it become a great focus of argument between ancient written researchers and modern written researchers from ancient times till today. In the past, according to the incomplete and missing pages of olden books, many normal historical researchers of the classics describe just plainly about the topics of the first discussion for the book Zhouli between Lin Hsiao Tsun and Zheng Xuan. This study try to analyze the material of argument between Zheng Xuan and others researchers through the book "Answer Lin's Asking about ZhouLi", and then conclude the understanding of Lin to the contents of the ZhouLi. Our purpose is to rebuild the questions and answers of Lin and Zheng for the discussing about the explanation of ZhouLi, and stand out the real value of Lin's research.


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