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讀寫之歷史研究的意義與可能性|The significance and possibilities of research on the history of literacy




語言從基底支撐人類的生活與文化。做為閱讀、書寫語言的力量-亦即讀寫能力,形成文化上的知識基礎。人文學主要是從根源探尋人類作為文化層面存在的形式,掌握讀寫的歷史發展,就成為人文學的重要課題。然而,到目前為止,讀寫歷史在日本並未受到與其重要性相當程度的關注。這在日本的文學史研究及文化史研究上都是一個嚴重的問題,在此同時也意味著,讀寫的歷史研究充滿開拓學術新世界的可能性。特別是日本前近代的讀寫歷史充滿謎團,也讓人期待能有許多重要的發現。本研究不拘泥於既有的解讀方式,而是以靈活、廣泛的方式思考文學。例如,《將門記》、《新猿樂記》、《雲州往來》、《大塔物語》、《桂川地藏記》等作品,自古以來便不受日本文學史重視。觀察古代、中世的和製漢文表記文本,詳細考證作品中的用字、用語、文體、表現手法及特質,這個工作具有重大的意義。透過這個工作可知,結合和製漢語、漢字、漢文衍生出的日本漢學之重要性。這樣的讀寫能力,形成了前近代日本知識的根基。關注日式的漢學讀寫,瞭解其與正規的漢學讀寫或是假名歌文讀寫之間的關連,就可能從根本重新檢視日本文學史與日本文化史。以國文學研究資料館為中心,現今日本正在建構日本古典書籍的圖像資料庫,目標約為30萬冊。自2014年度啟動10年期大規模學術開拓計畫-「日本語歷史性典籍之國際共同研究連結建構計畫」。冀望應用此一龐大的資料庫,拓展新的研究領域。讀寫的歷史研究,具備回應社會上的期待之意義與可能性。|Language is one of the foundations of human life and civilization, and literacy - the ability to read and write a language - is the knowledge-base of culture. The field of humanities sheds light on our ideal human existence as cultural beings by examining our origins. Understanding the developmental history of literacy is thus an important issue within the field of humanities. However, to this day, the history of literacy has not received the appropriate attention it deserves in Japan. This is a serious issue for research on both literary and cultural history in Japan. At the same time, this also means that studies on the history of literacy have great potential of opening up new academic areas for research. The history of literacy in Japan during pre-modern times is particularly enigmatic, and there is a want of more important discoveries within the field. This study does not adhere to any existing analysis of literature, as the issue needs to be examined both flexibly and broadly. Ancient and medieval texts written in Japanese kanbun (wasei-kango), such as Masakado-ki, Shin-sarugaku-ki, Unshū -ōrai, Ōtō -monogatari, and Katsuragawa-jizō-ki, have not been paid much attention by researchers of Japanese literary history. However, by carefully examining the words, vocabulary, styles, and methods of expression used within these texts, the importance of Japanese kanbun literacy in the context of Japanese cultural history becomes clear. This type of literacy became the foundation of knowledge in pre-modern Japanese society; by examining Japanese kanbun literacy, and understanding the connection between this type of literacy, authentic Chinese literacy, and Japanese kana literacy, it is possible to re-examine Japanese literary and cultural history from the roots. An initiative to create a database of classical Japanese texts is currently underway. Led by the National Institute of Japanese Literature, the goal is to catalogue around 300,000 texts. This extensive and groundbreaking academic project - titled "Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts" - was begun in 2014 and is planned to run for 10 years. The hope is to be able to use this database to open up new areas of research. Studies on the history of literacy is of great significance and holds the possibility of being able to answer societal demands for more knowledge in this academic field.
