  • 期刊


Congruence in a Vision of ICT Integration in Foreign Language Education: Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages as an Example






With drastic changes in information technology in the past decade, education has turned out to be more competence-based than knowledge-oriented. Among a school workforce of the paper-based generation, the role of a teacher as a facilitator to motivate students of e-generation into self-learning is technically possible but not yet fully achieved. In foreign language instruction especially, application of impersonal audio-video devices has long remained secondary to face-to-face contacts. To adapt to a digitalized epoch, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages not only has provided necessary administrative mechanism for instructional innovation, but also conducted a teacher survey, of which the findings help further the congruence of staff and school administration in a vision of ICT integration in language teaching for both school development and teachers' career development by each playing a more dynamic role.




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