  • 期刊

A Path to Enhance Students' Ability and Willingness to Communicate In English





The study investigated the participants' proficiency and willingness to communicate (WTC) in English through the implementation of a tailor-made learning program outside of regular class hours. The study consisted of a 20 hour online self-learning program which was supplemented with interactive sessions with teachers and student tutors. The results indicated that the participants of two different proficiency groups (lower and upper immediate) improved their original GEPT Mock Exam scores in every tested category. The CEFR self-evaluation report showed that participants were more willing to speak in English on a daily basis than before. They were, in particular, more confident to describe people, places, possessions, plans and arrangements, personal experiences, as well as make suggestions. The interview results showed that 87% of the 31 interviewees agreed that they were more willing to use English to communicate with others after they attended the program. The implications and the extent of which a tailor-made program using both virtual and human interactions can help facilitate and encourage students to speak in English are discussed.


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Council of Europe (1996). The common European framework of reference for languages [www document] Retrieved from:http//www.coe.int/t/dg4/liguistic/Source/Framework_EN.pdf
