  • 期刊


On Hare's Attempt at Deriving the Normative Ethics from the Metaethics-Can the "Universalizability" Lead to Utilitarianism and Solve All Disputed Cases


黑爾分析出道德判斷具有「規約性」及「可普遍化性」的特徵,而這兩種性質其實是根源於人性對確保一己生存的要求。再者,黑爾認為道德判斷「可普遍化」的性質蘊含了人性對於「平等」之認同;而黑爾對此「平等」給予效益主義式的詮釋。 本文則要指出,人性為了確保一己生存而去認同的「平等」,並不一定只能是效益主義所理解的「平等」之方式,尤其效益主義並無法解決「權利」的問題,而「權利」卻是保障人們生存與發展之所必須;人性縱使認同「平等」,但此「平等」如何被解釋?尤其是否包含某些「權利」上之平等?實應以社會契約論的建構方式由所有被關涉的人們自己來回答,而不應該由理論家單獨武斷論之。


Hare holds that any moral judgment is composed of prescriptiveness and universalizability that are rooted in the human nature aiming at survival and self-development. Furthermore, Hare contends that the property of universalizability deriving from the human nature implies the agreement on the value of ”equality” interpreted by Hare in a utilitarian way. This paper will point out that the value of ”equality” approved by all men for maintaining their survival must not be understood in a utilitarian way only. The utilitarianism cannot accommodate ”individual rights”, but ”rights” are necessary for the human survival and self-realization. Even if nobody is opposed to the idea of ”equality”, people might disagree on its interpretation. For example, may the ”equality” mean that all people own certain equal rights? This question should be answered, instead of by the arbitrariness of any theoretician alone, by all people involved, namely through a kind of social contract theory.


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Ayer, A. J.(1955).Language, Truth and Logic.London:V. Gollancz.
Dworkin, Ronald M.(1977).Taking Rights Seriously.Cambridge in Massachusetts:Harvard University Press.
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