  • 期刊


The Reformation of the Chinese World Order between Yuan and Ming: The Emergence of Guest Ritual in Early Ming and its Significance




元明易代 朝貢 賓禮 東亞 外交


This article analyzes the formation of the international order in East Asia through studying the emergence of guest ritual in early Ming. It is an attempt to reveal the importance of Mongol's legacies, the neighboring countries and relevant factors in shaping the Chinese world order. The emergence of the guest ritual in 1369 was triggered by the rites of celebrating Emperor's birthday that remained in the Koryo court. The request of King Gongmin made the celebration transform into a part of the guest ritual. In addition, there were similarities of the assembly between Yuan and Ming in arranging the position of foreign delegates, the venue of learning ritual, the procedure of the ceremony, and the emphasis on the counsellor-in-chief and the crown prince, proved that Ming Taizu has not only inherited the main framework of Mongol's influence but also tried to build his ideal order by consolidating the authority of the counsellor-in-chief, the crown prince, and the princes. Finally, the Collected Rituals of the Grant Ming succeeded the concept of diplomatic mission from the Great Statutes of Statecraft. It constitutionalized the rites of diplomatic mission, and established the etiquette and ritual order in East Asia by exporting rites like Bunkukuiju to Korea and Ryukyu.


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