  • 期刊


The Influence of Hu Shih's Studies of the Philosophical History in Vietnam: A Case Study of Ngo Tat To's Criticizing Tran Trong Kim's Confucianism




In the historiography of Chinese philosophy, Hu Shih's works are relatively important because they have laid the foundation for the research field of the philosophical history of modern China. Scholars therefore have carried out a large amount of research on the influence of Hu Shih's studies of the philosophical history in China. The influence of Hu Shih's studies in other countries has yet to be noticed, particularly in the Sinosphere which has a long tradition of academic exchange with China. This article is an initial effort in filling this gap with a focus on studying the influence of Hu Shih's studies of the philosophical history in Vietnam through the case of Ngo Tat To's Criticizing Tran Trong Kim's Confucianism. By analyzing and comparing texts, this paper points out that Ngo Tat To adopted the research method employed by Hu Shih in An Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy and applied it to study Confucian writings and criticize the shortcomings in Tran Trong Kim's Confucianism.


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