  • 期刊


Preparation and Application of Infantile Enterovirus Prevention Questionnaires Using Daycare Centers in Northern Taiwan as an Example


目的:本研究目的在於以研究者自行編製之問卷,使其具有信度與效度,並應用於托嬰中心教保員及嬰幼兒家長對於腸病毒防治之調查。方法:以研究者自行編製之問卷做為測量工具,經過198人的預試,以克隆巴赫(Cronbach's alpha)係數進行內部一致性信度分析,並以專家審查進行問卷內容效度分析及探索式因素分析建立問卷之建構效度,隨後製成正式問卷。研究假說為編製後的問卷具有信度及效度,應用於托嬰中心的教保員與嬰幼兒家長對於腸病毒知識、腸病毒防治態度、政府機關介入、腸病毒防治清潔行為及防治腸病毒資訊發布的調查中,具有顯著差異。本研究所得結果以皮爾森相關分析(Pearson product-moment correlation)與曼-惠特尼U檢定(Mann-Whitney U test),分析自編問卷之應用成效。結果:研究發現,教保員與嬰幼兒家長在腸病毒知識、政府機關介入及防治腸病毒資訊發布構面上之調查結果,具有顯著上的差異。結論:本研究所編製之問卷,通過信度與效度之考驗,亦通過難度與鑑別度之檢驗,可供未來相關領域之研究者參考使用。


Purposes: This study aimed to make researcher-prepared questionnaires reliable and effective, and to apply them to study enterovirus prevention by educare givers in daycare centers as well as by parents. Methods: The questionnaires were used as measurement tools. After pre-testing in 198 subjects, internal consistency reliability analysis was carried out using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Expert review was used to carry out content validity analysis and exploratory factor analysis was used to determine the construct validity of the questionnaire. Formal questionnaires were subsequently created. This study aimed to assess the reliability and validity of the prepared questionnaire. The questionnaires were administered to educare givers in daycare centers and to parents to test their knowledge of enterovirus prevention, government intervention, disinfection, and treatment of enterovirus, and significant differences were found. The Pearson Product-Moment Correlation and Mann-Whitney U test were used to analyze the effectiveness of the questionnaires. Results: The study found significant differences between educare givers and parents in knowledge about enteroviruses, government intervention, and information on prevention and treatment of enterovirus infection. Conclusions: The questionnaires prepared by the graduate school meet the test of reliability and validity, as well as indexes of item difficulty and item discrimination, and can be used as a reference by researchers.
