  • 期刊


Relationships among social support, sexual identity and athlete burnout of LGB college athletes


目的:本研究旨在探討大學同性戀和雙性戀(LGB; lesbian, gay, bisexual)運動員之社會支持、寂寞、LGB身份認同與運動員倦怠之關係。方法:以滾雪球的抽樣方式邀請受試者填答包含社會支持、寂寞、運動員倦怠、LGB身份認同等題項之網路問卷,回收有效問卷109份。結果:家人親戚之社會支持能減緩運動員倦怠中的成就感減低,運動貶價會因有教練的社會支持而降低。LGB運動員會因為有家人親戚的社會支持,寂寞感受減少,因而緩解成就感減低的反應。LGB運動員身份認同中被接受需求程度較高者,會因缺乏家人親戚的社會支持感到寂寞,進而減低成就感。此外,對自己同志身份有較高排斥的運動員,則會因缺乏家人親戚社會支持所導致的寂寞感,而連帶降低運動成就感。結論:本研究導入社會支持、LGB身份認同來討論運動員倦怠,發現LGB運動員倦怠中的成就感降低與否,除了與家人親戚社會支持與寂寞有關之外,亦會受到運動員自身被接受需求程度及同志身份排斥程度的影響。


Purpose: This study aims to explore the relationship between social support, loneliness, LGB identity and athlete burnout of college LGB athletes. Method: Using snowball sampling, this study distributed a questionnaire containing items measuring social support, loneliness, athlete burnout, and LGB identity via Internet. A total of 109 usable responses were collected. Results: The results showed that social support from the family could lessen LGB athletes' reduced sense of accomplishment, while social support from the coach could minimize their devaluation of sport. Decreased loneliness could explain why family's social support attenuates athletes' reduced sense of accomplishment. Furthermore, LGB identity, particularly acceptance concerns and internalized homonegativity, could moderate the relationship between loneliness and reduced sense of accomplishment. Conclusion: College LGB athletes' sense of accomplishment are affected by not only the degree of family social support, felt loneliness, but also their acceptance concerns and internalized homonegativity.


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