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A Study of Tourism Attractions of the 2004 Penghu Marathon Race of the Chinese Worldwide




The researchers referred to the theory of Chang and Lin(2002) and Ni(2000) and develops the sports tourism attraction scale. Totalizing 543 adult participating in the 2004 Penghu Marathon Race of the Chinese Worldwide were verifying the validity and reliability of the scale. From the findings of the analysis conducted by the statistic software of LISREL8.54, it's found that the sports tourism attractions scale has passed the extrinsic quality test with the following overall fit measures: x^2=244.53, GFI=0.91, RMSEA=0.05, SRMR=0.08, CFI=0.98, NNFI=0.98, PNFI=0.78, CN=250.95, x^2/df=3.35. Concerning the test of the intrinsic fit measures of the model, from the construct reliability of the overall running race service quality, 0.80, it's shown that the reliability was quite well. In terms of the convergent validity, as all the observed variables and potential factors have reached significant statistic standard, this indicates that it has convergent validity. As for the discriminant validity, from the test results, as it's shown that the correlation of the potential variables could be discriminated, the discriminant validity of this scale was supported. Accordingly, it's found from the foregoing findings that the validity and reliability of the sports tourism attractions scale are quite good. The analyze sports tourist's demographic variables on sports tourism attraction. The results showed: The different area of residence and whether participate group package tour have statistical significance on percept of sports tourism attraction. sex, education level, and age were no significant differences on percept of sports tourism attraction.


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